No Country For Women

A story of trauma, baggage and nerve-wracking lies of destruction

Kallol Mazumdar
The Hub Publication
3 min readMay 7, 2024


Let me do the dishes.
make your bed.
Draw many lines
to let my son and daughter
write the alphabets straight.
But then they grow up,
learn to be gentle and
sophisticated, the toil
is there in many facets.
The bruise from there father
tell a different story,
I tell them not to worry.
Social designs of supression,
In perpetuity, filled with inaction,
long stares caress your skin.
To desire a pounding flesh
and feel worthless in action.
The kids grow strong and bold.
gets out of your grip and hold,
even if you cry and twirl
like a Damsel in discreet distress
there is no soul in the land of
unbecoming, unbecoming the
entity that creates them, ridicule
and senseless mockery erected and
directed via the strongholds of
chauvinistic patriarcy. In heirarchy,
your creation forms and fuses itself
in darkening, choking smoke that is
filling your lungs with dark matter
and silica dust; killing you one breath
at a time. To teach you hatred
to not see any visualisation of
me in metamorphic forms.

A man: I feel bad... I lifted my hands on her!

His friend: Women exist to please men; they indeed need to be beaten, and they are not allowed to hit their spouse. Her place belongs in men’s shoes. Not even shoes; actually, they belong in the few speckles of dust that appear on the tip of the shoe. A good wife needs to do whatever her husband says. Or face the beating she is destined to get.

Woman: Stop beating me! I am pleading; stop beating me.

HMy husband: Your place belongs in my shoes! Don’t speak over me, or I will make you rub your face in my shoes.

“The world will judge,
as the demons frail body will
give up one day; the dead will
rise, their hopes will suffice,
their cries will shake the earth.
The ecofeminism will cry songs
while spilling blood out of their
cut out throats. The tremors of earth
will shake the worst of men and the
blunders they led on, creating one
problem at a time, in an unending
time-space continuum. Not even-the
souls will be spared for this galore
that has led beings to rage gore in the
core of cruel and unworthy beings.
You too are predestined to fate, dear
zealots and heathens. The trials of
time carry massive weight that drops
your head to your knees begging and
kneeling for mercy. No matter how much
you plead, it ain’t gonna happen..”

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